8.5 Telnet/tn3270/rlogin URL
You can use a telnet URL to reference a telnet link to a remote
machine. An example is:
If you are connecting to a machine that requires IBM 3270
terminal emulation you can substitute tn3270 for telnet.
In either case, this will only work if the web browser contains,
or has access to, a client program that can act as a telnet or
tn3270 client.
Rlogin connections are possible using the rlogin URL.
The specification is:
where username is the account name for the rlogin.
You will be prompted for a password, unless one is not
required. Many browsers emulate rlogin URLs using a telnet
facility. In fact, as far as I can tell rlogin's are not formally
part of the URL schemes.
© Ian Graham 1994-1995
Page Last Updated: 4
December 1995